Soil analysis

Our Soil Agronomy Report service is designed to give turf professionals essential information on the nutrient requirements needed for the provision and maintenance of high quality turf.

We will send one of our specially trained technical advisors to sample your turf.  This ensures that the cores are extracted to the specifications of the analytical laboratory, so a meaningful and uniform result can be obtained.  At the same time our advisor will have the opportunity to discuss your exact requirements, in terms of the nutrient input and the preferred product type, to fit in with the clubs budgetary, manpower resources and other criteria.

The soil samples are analysed by an independent laboratory that provide us with the data to compile a comprehensive report on the current nutrient status of the your turf.  Data from the analysis is sent to one of our most experienced agronomists, who will compare the results with guideline figures to identify the scale of any remedial measures and is presented in helpful graphics in the report.

Recommendations, based on your specific requirements, take the form of a suggested programme that is illustrated in tabular and calendar format.  We will then arrange a further meeting with you, where the report and recommendations can be discussed and the programme finalised.  Along with the report, we can also provide other maintenance programmes such as wetting agent, weed, pest and disease control.  We can also provide other types of analysis, such as tissue or irrigation water – please contact your Technical Amenity Specialist for further details.