
Attraxor® is a plant growth regulator containing prohexadione-calcium for use on managed amenity turf and amenity grassland.

The active ingredient, prohexadionecalcium, inhibits the gibberellic acid pathway, resulting in a reduction in upwards grass growth. Gibberellic acid is a plant hormone that stimulates growth and development. Prohexadione-calcium is activated upon contact with water in the spray tank.

After application, growth regulation begins within as little as four hours.

Key features

Growth regulation

Use of Attraxor helps to reduce clipping yields and mowing frequency leading to improved labour efficiency.

Effectively regulates grass growth even at application rates as low as 375 g/ha.

Attraxor produces a consistent effect, regardless of cutting height or grass species.

Grass species

Equally effective growth regulation on all amenity grass species including:

  • Agrostis spp
  • Festuca spp
  • Lolium perenne
  • Holcus lanatus
  • Poa pratensis
  • And on the pioneer species, Poa annua.

    Can be used as part of an integrated management strategy to reduce the proportion of Poa annua in the sward.

    Turf colour & quality

    Turf treated with Attraxor maintains excellent colour and quality throughout the growing season.

    Improves sward density leading to a better playing surface quality.

    Improves root formation leading to a healthier sward which is more resistant to abiotic and biotic stresses.

    Speed of activity

  • Fast uptake for instant performance.
  • Starts to regulate turf growth within 4 hours of application.

    Application timing

    Attraxor can be applied when grass is growing consistently, with air temperatures between 7°C and 21°C. It can be applied earlier in the season than other growth regulators, as its activation does not rely on the plant’s metabolic processes. For optimal results, avoid irrigation for at least four hours and mowing for one day after application.

    Application frequency

    Attraxor can be used every 21 days, with a maximum application rate of 6 kg per year.

    Tank mixing Attraxor

    Fertilisers, except those with high levels of calcium, magnesium, and boron. For improved activation in hard water areas, mix with an ammonium sulphate fertiliser like E2Pro iNStant or a buffering additive. To enhance turf colour, tank mixing with E2Pro iNStant at 2.5 kg N/ha or a colourant like Green Lawnger TR is recommended. Herbicides and fungicides may be tank mixed if the turf is actively growing and not stressed.  


    Contains:100g/kg prohexadione
    Formulation:Water soluble granules
    Application Rate:0.3-1.5kg/ha
    Pack Coverage:5 - 1 ha
    Water Rate:300-600l/ha
    Product Type:Plant growth regulator
    Max Treatments Per Year:6kg/ha