Rosate Green is one of a new generation of glyphosate formulations exhibiting high levels of safety
to humans and animals and to the environment.
Rosate Green has authorization for use in various situations where access by members of the
public, other personnel and animals may occur either during or shortly after application.This
technical bulletin provides further advisory information and guidance on the use of Rosate Green in
such situations.
The active substance in Rosate Green is glyphosate, which is one of the most widely used
herbicides in the world due to its favourable environmental characteristics and low toxicity to
humans and animals. Glyphosate controls weeds by absorption through the green foliage and
blocking the synthesis of an enzyme which occurs in most plants at varying levels, but not present
in humans or other wildlife. Once blocked, the enzyme stops the production of certain plant
proteins essential for plant growth and development.
Glyphosate active ingredient is not classified by the EU authorities or the World Health
Organisation on toxicity by either ingestion by mouth or through contact with skin. The surfactant
in Rosate Green has been shown in tests not to increase the level of hazard classification of the
product compared to that of the active ingredient. Rosate Green does not carry any human health
hazard warning symbols but nevertheless should be handled with care like any other Plant
Protection Product and by persons suitably qualified under the relevant legislations. In common
with many other general chemical products (for example even soap or lemon juice), Rosate Green
undiluted product may cause slight transient eye irritation. When diluted for spray application as
recommended, it is unlikely that the low concentration in the spray solution would result in any
significant eye irritation.
In the situation where spray has been transferred to skin or animal fur or feet, it is highly unlikely
any adverse effects would result. It is advisable not to allow the transfer via contact from the
treated area as damage to susceptible plants or grass (e.g. amenity grassland) can occur. In the
situation that dogs, cats or other animals absorb spray solution from brushing against treated
foliage or eating treated foliage, no adverse effects are expected. The small amounts of
glyphosate entering the body would largely pass through un-metabolized, in fact the label carries a
recommendation that allows treated grassland (after a short interval) to be fed to grazing animals.
The undiluted product is not classified as a skin or eye irritant and the diluted product is always
over 95% water content. It is highly unlikely that children or animals entering the treated area
before the spray has dried would experience any skin or eye irritation. In practice, the spray will
usually dry on the leaf within a few hours and children and animals are unlikely to be present.
Once the spray has dried on the leaf, transfer of residues does not occur.