
Movax contains patented Plant Impact technology named Alethea™ that helps grass cope with abiotic stress (such as drought and salinity) by increasing antioxidant production together with a nutrient package.

  • Optimised novel combination of plant signalling analogues
  • L-Arginine amino acid
  • Innovative and patented Alethea™ technology

Benefits of Alethea technology

  • Increased antioxidant production
  • Improved resilience against abiotic stress
  • Broad range of compatibility
  • Novel combination of plant signalling analogues

What is an analogue?

A compound that has a similar structure and chemical properties to those of another compound but differs by a single element or group.

Why use analogues?

Because analogues only differ by a single compound or group they can sometimes be beneficial by providing the positive response sought without unwanted side effects.

Using synthetic compounds to create analogues of a natural compound or using natural analogues can create benefits such as a more consistent or controlled reaction when applied.

The analogues in Alethea combat plant stress and also assist with the uptake, transportation and storage of nutrients within the plant.


Unique amino acid, L-Arginine, is both an important N reserve within the plant and a precursor, or messenger, in all physiological and biochemical processes including:

  • Growth and development
  • Adaption of plants to stress
  • Perception and adaption of plants to environmental disturbances or stress
  • Protection from damage caused by antioxidant activity

Stress resistance

Alethea™ is a novel combination of plant signalling analogues and L-Arginine amino acid conferring broad stress resistance.

Abiotic stress is a major cause of turf decline through:


Antioxidant effect

Under normal conditions reactive oxygen species (ROS) are neutralised by antioxidants. However, under stressed conditions ROS levels can increase and there may be insufficient antioxidant activity to control them. When ROS levels are too high, they can cause cell damage, for example, by affecting cell membranes.

Role of Alethea in Movax™

Alethea™ is a novel (patented) combination of plant signalling analogues that can cause plants to increase antioxidant production. More antioxidant activity combats ROS, and in doing so helps grass to mitigate the effects of abiotic stress, such as heat, cold, salinity, UV and drought.

Alethea neutralises the build-up of harmful Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) by stimulating the plant’s production of antioxidants.

Key benefits

  • Increased growth
  • Resilience to abiotic stresses such as heat, drought, and salinity
  • Supports nutrient uptake
  • Easy to use foliar treatment, tank mixable with many liquid fertiliser and plant protection products


Nutrient      % w/w  g/l
N 0.85 0.98
Mg 0.3 0.35
B 0.025      0.029
Cu 0.18 0.21
Fe 0.7 0.8
Mn 1 1.5
Zn 2.2 2.5


1l/ha in no less than300l spray water volume.
Avoid spraying during direct sunlight


Movax™ is compatible with most herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, adjuvants, and foliar fertilisers. Always conduct a jar test before use to ensure physical compatibility. Avoid mixing with products containing high levels of dissolved calcium.

Product Usage Calendar

*Main Usage Period*Extended Usage Period

Pack Information

CodePack Size