Whiptec Standard Tree Shelter

Whiptec trees shelters are rigid, twin-walled, cylindrical tubes that enable young trees to develop stronger roots, whilst providing vital protection from browsing animals 

The Whiptec shelters create a micro-climate for the trees resulting in stronger initial establishment and a much higher tree survival rate. These micro-climatic conditions also help to increase air moisture within the tree shelter tube which can reduce water stress, ensuring the tree can last longer during drought conditions.

Features and benefits

  • Manufactured from UV-stabilised photodegradable polypropylene
  • Twin-wall tube construction
  • Pre-fitted with releasable tree ties (three as standard on the 1.5m tubes for additional stability on taller tubes)
  • Green colour allows the correct balance of light wavelengths to be absorbed by the tree - a process called photomorphogenesis
  • UV-stabilised to provide an estimated lifespan of 5-7 years (please note this can vary depending on location, climate and site conditions)
  • Flared upper rim to minimise stem bark abrasion
  • The polypropylene tubes of Whiptec tree guards are recyclable
  • Whiptec Tree Guards have been assessed and certified as meeting the requirements of NP EN ISO 9001:2015

Product Gallery

1/3 - Whiptec tree shelter insitu
2/3 - Whiptec tree shelter flared rim
3/3 - Whiptec tree shelter releasable tie

Pack Information

CodePack Size