
Celadon® is a versatile selective herbicide containing two active substances, florasulam and fluroxypyr.

It can be used to control a wide range of broadleaved weeds on both established and newly sown turf surfaces. Celadon® is most effective when weeds are small and actively growing, controlling many problem weeds including daisy, dandelion, common mouse-ear, creeping buttercup, slender speedwell, and white clover.


Contains:2.5g/l florasulam and 100g/l fluroxypyr
Application Rate:2l/ha
Pack Coverage:1ha
Water Rate:200l/ha
Max Treatments Per Year:1
Application timing:When weeds are actively growing and soil is moist
Crops:Amenity grassland
Managed amenity turf
Application equipment:Vehicle mounted boom sprayer
Knapsack sprayer

Pack Information

CodePack Size
1923632 litre