Grazon Pro

Grazon® Pro is a highly effective herbicide for control of broadleaved weeds including docks, thistles and nettles.

Grazon® Pro contains clopyralid and triclopyr and can be used on amenity grassland such as golf roughs, airfields, and roadside verges as well as grassland areas such as paddocks. Spot applications of Grazon® Pro allow for excellent targeting of problem weeds.


Contains:60g/l clopyralid and 240g/l triclopyr
Application Rate:1.2l/ha
Pack Coverage:0.8ha
Water Rate:200l/ha (60ml in 10l water)
Max Treatments Per Year:1
Application timing:1st March-31st October when weeds are actively growing
Crops:Amenity grassland
Application equipment:Knapsack or other handheld sprayer

Pack Information

CodePack Size
172441 litre