Goemar Turf

Goemar Turf is a high performance liquid seaweed with physio activator technology plus the addition of selected minerals and trace elements.

Goemar Turf contains physio activator molecules, which activate key metabolic systems within the grass plant, resulting in increased production levels of nitrate reductase, phosphateses and iron reductase in the roots, thus optimising nutrient uptake. 

GA142 seaweed filtrate is produced using a unique process, which extracts unwanted materials such as alginates and cellulose from the formulation. This allows for higher concentrations of the pure cell content, which is extracted from each seaweed cell, resulting in higher concentration of the key oligosaccharides, which are research proven physio activator molecules. 

The high levels of oligosaccharides in Goemar Turf feed the indigenous bacteria that dwell on the leaf surface of grass plants. This leads to raised populations of surface bacteria on the plant, which are plant symbiotic. 

Goemar Turf is applied at a low rate of 3L/ha (unlike many other seaweeds where the rates may be much higher). This is due to the fact that Goemar Turf has the inert materials removed, leaving a higher concentration of the physio active components of seaweed. 

Key benefits 

  • Stimulates plant nutrition 
  • Faster recovery from wear stress 
  • Increased tillering 
  • Promotes greater root mass 
  • Low application rate 
  • Tank-mixable 


Contains:GA142 Seaweed
Application Rate:3 L/ha
Water Rate:300-700 L/ha

Pack Information

CodePack Size
1776545 Litre

Information Sheet