
Praxys® contains three active substances from different mode of action groups which are translocated throughout the plant following absorption through both the leaves and the roots.

These attributes lead to the high level of target weed control that Praxys® provides. Praxys® is ideal for the management of common broadleaved weeds including dandelion, daisy, clover, buttercup, and ribwort plantain in both managed amenity turf and amenity grassland situations.


Contains:80g/l clopyralid
2.5g/l florasulam
144g/l fluroxypyr-meptyl
Application Rate:1-2l/ha
Pack Coverage:2-1ha
Water Rate:100-400l/ha
Max Treatments Per Year:1
Application timing:1st February-30th September
when weeds are actively growing and the soil is moist
crops:Amenity grassland
Managed amenity turf
Application equipment:Vehicle mounted boom sprayer
Knapsack sprayer

Pack Information

CodePack Size
156002 litre