
Ryder is a turf pigment spray that has multiple purposes for turf applications.

It can be used as a spray pattern indicator, as a turf colourant to enhance the visual appeal of the surface and as a protectant to reduce the harmful effects of UV radiation and high light intensity on turf. The colour and protectant effects of Ryder will typically last for 2-3 weeks during the growing season. The pigment can be used alongside any spray applications but is particularly useful with products that can impair turf colour such as plant growth regulators and during periods of high light intensity during the summer months.

Key benefits:

  • Assists with visibility of spray treatments
  • Enhances turf colour
  • Reduces harmful effects from UV radiation and high light intensity

Application rate:

  • 0.75-1.5l/ha in 250-500l/ha water (mowing height <12mm)
  • 1-2/ha in 250-500l/h water (mowing height >12mm)


Active substances:Green turf pigments
Product properties:Spray pattern indicator
Colour enhancement

Pack Information

CodePack Size
1913725 litre