Sportnem T

Entomopathogenic nematodes provide natural control of both cranefly larvae (leatherjackets) and chafer grubs. Sportnem T contains the species Steinernma carpocapsae which can be used for controlling leatherjackets. Applied as a drench the nematodes move through the moist soil to find cranefly larvae. The addition of Nemaflo® improves movement of the nematodes into the soil so that they can get to work quickly and efficiently.

Good timing of application is crucial for effective use of nematodes. It is important to time applications to target the larva or grubs when they are still small and when soil temperatures are warm enough for nematode activity. Once a nematode has found and penetrated a pest larva through a body opening, it begins its’ destructive work. The nematode then releases symbiotic bacteria which spread throughout the larvae, multiplying rapidly while feeding on the host tissue and converting it into a form easily taken up by the nematodes. The infected larvae dies within a few days, but the nematodes continue to multiply and develop in the host. As soon as the nematodes are in the infectious third stage, they leave the host and start searching for new targets. The nematode population will slowly decrease once there are no new hosts present.

Application timing

For cranefly the main treatment window August-October but it is sometimes possible to make a secondary treatment in the spring if population numbers have been high and temperatures are suitable.

Application guidelines

  • Apply to turf using around 800-1000 l of water per ha
  • Use of an adjuvant such as Nemaflo can improve movement into the rootzone where the pest species are located

Applying both Sportnem T and Sportnem H if both pests are present

Just mix and apply using around 800-100l water per ha

Storage guidelines

  • Immediately upon arrival, open and store the individual packs in the fridge until ready to use
  • Refrigerating nematodes between 2-6°C in the dark improves shelf-life but it is recommended to use the product within 2-4 weeks after delivery

Pack Information

CodePack Size

Information Sheet