CleenCut hardwearing lawns

A mixture of species ensures the production of a high quality lawn with hardwearing characteristics. The addition of Maxima, strong creeping red fescue and perennial ryegrass, ensures a dense, resilient surface which repairs easily after wear.

The Cleencut range offers mixtures at a competitive price, whilst still using quality STRI listed cultivars.

  • 25% Esquire Perennial ryegrass
  • 25% Platinum Perennial ryegrass
  • 50% Maxima Strong creeping red fescue


Sowing rate:35-50g/m2
Oversowing rate:20-30g/m2
Sowing depth:10-15mm
Mowing height:12-20mm

Product Usage Calendar

*Main Usage Period*Extended Usage Period

Pack Information

CodePack Size
18917620 kg
18917510 kg

Information Sheet