CleenCut paddock

A good quality, hard wearing paddock mixture, that will last for many years. The inclusion of strong creeping red fescue ensures good shoot density and minimises trampling damage in wet conditions. Cultivars lower in water soluble carbohydrate (sugar) will help to prevent the worst effects of laminitis.


  • 15% Calvano Inter diploid ryegrasss
  • 30% Boyne Inter diploid ryegrasss
  • 25% Toddington Late diploid ryegrass
  • 20% Maxima Strong creeping red fescue
  • 10% Comer Timothy


Sowing rate:5g/m2
Oversowing rate:5g/m2
Sowing depth:12-15mm

Product Usage Calendar

*Main Usage Period*Extended Usage Period

Pack Information

CodePack Size
CCpadd10 kg

Information Sheet