Evolution Controlled Fine 14-0-28 (3-4M)

Fine granular fertiliser with longevity ranging from 12-16 weeks

Evolution Controlled Fine consists of nutrients packaged in a polyurethane polymer coated granule that are released over an extended period. Backed by research, the unique coating technology has consistently been a market leader.

Evolution Controlled Fine is a 125 SGN granulation for consistent distribution during application and is suitable for use on close mown turf such as cricket squares, golf greens, approaches, tees, and bowling greens. With longevity ranging from 12-16 weeks, Evolution Controlled Fine is a mini granule that is an excellent choice for providing a predictable and dependable nutrient release over a prolonged period.

Key benefits

    • Formulated for use on fine turf surfaces
    • Not affected by moisture
    • Response to match the growth
    • Reduced environmental impact
    • Chloride free

Technical information

The coated granule utilises a unique patented reactive layers coating (RLC) technology which releases nutrients via diffusion, regulated by soil temperature and coating thickness, for precise and lasting nutrient delivery.

Additional nutrition from multiple sources, ammonium, urea and potassium nitrate, provide a complete nutritional package to suit different requirements through various nutrient release stages for an optimum growth response.

  • Reactive layers coating technology
  • Multiple nitrogen sources for a balanced release and growth response

How it works

Product analysis

Total nitrogen (N) 14%
Polymer Coated Urea 9.1%
Ureic nitrogen 0.2%
Nitrate 4.7%
Potassium oxide (K2O) 28%
Magnesium oxide (MgO) 2%
Calcium oxide (CaO) 5.8%
Sulphur trioxide (SO3) 13.9%
Controlled release nitrogen (% of total N)   65%


Application Rate:25-35 g/m2
Pack Coverage:800-571m2
Product Longevity:12-16 weeks
Granule size:0.7-1.9mm
Cutting height:All turf

Product Usage Calendar

*Main Usage Period*Extended Usage Period




Nutrient Input Calculator

Enter your application rate to calculate input per hectare.

Rate g/m2




Input (kg/ha)